• Maximized Efficiency

    ALiCE® is extremely efficient, even for complex multimers or membrane proteins - a wide variety of previously impossible targets are in reach within only 1-2 days

  • Fully Scalable

    ALiCE® is the only eukaryotic cell-free system that scales reliably and seamlessly from early research to large-scale production - designed for the full drug development process

  • Simple yet Flexible

    ALiCE® is user-friendly and an open-system from start to finish, with no need for lengthy optimization – removing protein expression as your bottleneck

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ALiCE® for Research

Looking to do small-scale protein expression? Have a look at ALiCE® for Research.

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ALiCE® for Scale-Up

Interested in producing your protein of interest in large amounts? Read more about ALiCE® for Scale-Up

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ALiCE® as a Service

Explore the viability of your protein expression with our comprehensive feasibility study.

Now Available: Otoferlin Tagged Pure Protein

Full length Otoferlin (~250kDa) from 0,1 mg to 1 mg available for fast delivery.

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Otoferlin Protein

Coming Soon: ALiCE® for HTP

Discover our all-in-one high-throughput protein expression solution—seamlessly integrate DNA and expression for rapid, efficient protein production with minimal preparation time

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ALiCE® for HTP

Meet ALiCE® – Radical Simple Protein Expression

Experience fast, versatile, and scalable protein production with ALiCE®! Produce proteins in 48 hours with our easy, plug-and-play platform. No protein is too difficult, and you can scale effortlessly to meet your needs.

See How ALiCE® Can Help Your Production


Our Purpose: To Make Life-Saving Medicines Accessible to All

We believe that everyone deserves an equal chance to lead a healthy life.
That’s why we created ALiCE®, a disruptive cell-free protein technology that will change the way proteins are produced. Our goal? To simplify biomanufacturing and speed up the delivery of drugs to the patient.

About LenioBio

Make Life-Saving Medicines Accessible to All

A Therapeutic Target Like No Other

With unmatched therapeutic potential, GPCRs account for ~35% of FDA-approved drugs, achieving the status of the most common class of therapeutic target. They also happen to be one of the most challenging classes of protein to express. In this case study, we explore the rapid expression and in-lysate functional analysis of the CB2 GPCR using the ALiCE® expression system.

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Plant-Based ALiCE® Technology Could Shave Weeks Off Vaccine Production

LenioBio has received CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) funding of up to US $2 million to provide preclinical proof-of-concept that their commercially available, plant-based, and cell-free technology can produce proteins for use in clinical trials testing vaccines against epidemic and pandemic threats in 20-40 days.

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Scaling Eukaryotic Cell-Free Protein Synthesis

In our latest publication in the Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, we describe the production and functional analysis of complex proteins using ALiCE®, and showcase scaling in the system – a first for eukaryotic cell-free.

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Why Your Membrane Protein Expression Might be Failing, and how to Rescue It

Challenging to express, membrane proteins exhibit instability, low yields, and aggregation issues. Optimizing expression is essential from target characterization to clinical candidate selection. In this article, we address potential expression failures and strategies to overcome them.

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